“May God Receive Him In His Holy Glory”: At 114 Y-O, ‘Prez Mora’, The Oldest Outlived Man, Passes Away

Image Source: The Star
Juan Vicente Pérez, the world’s oldest man and native of Venezuela, passed away on April 2, 2024. “The world’s oldest living being,” as recognized by Guinness, was held by Pérez. The only man still living who was born before 1911, born on May 27, 1909, made him the fourth oldest person in the world.
A year ago, in January 2022 Spain’s most renowned business fame name Saturnino de la Fuente García passed away at 112 Y-O, just a week before his 115th birthday. Likewise, Pérez also passed away in the exact circumstance and died just a week before his 115th birthday.
His marriage to Ediofina del Rosario García had 11 children (six sons and five daughters) together. Their marriage lasted 60 years. Pérez has 42 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grandchildren. At the tender age of five, he began working in agriculture. Pérez attended school for only a few months, but he learned to read and write. In 1948, he was appointed sheriff of Caricuena, where he spent ten years resolving land and family disputes.
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Look at this: The governor, Freddy Bernal, said on X, “With deep sadness and pain we say goodbye to this archetype of Tachirense man, humble, hardworking, peaceful, enthusiastic about family and tradition.”
Nuestro querido Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, hoy con profunda tristeza y dolor nos despedimos de usted, de ese arquetipo de hombre tachirense, humilde, trabajador, apacible, entusiasta de la familia y la tradición. pic.twitter.com/ohiPzrsWgD
— Freddy Bernal (@FreddyBernal) April 3, 2024
Pérez died at the Táchira state. He received the honor from Guinness on February 4, 2022, at the age of 112 years and 253 days. As per the NLC research, He attributed his long life at the time to “loving God and always carrying him in his heart, working hard, resting on holidays, going to bed early, and drinking a glass of aguardiente every day.” As he told Guinness World Records, “He wants to be remembered as a hard-working man, faithful to his wife and his religion.” Faith was central to his life, and he prayed at least twice a day.
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Author: Baisakhi Dhar