Brahmarishi Pitaamaah launched Pyramid Party of India at Andhra Associate, New Delhi

The meditation legend and now a political party leader Brahmarishi Pitaamaah today launched his Pyramid Party of India at national level to contest Upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The launching of the party was enhanced by public figure Madhvi and industrialist Saurabh Bansal.
The party is based on the ideology of betterment of the society through Pyramid science and enhancing the potential of an individual through meditation. Pyramid Party of India has an unique specification and i.e. they ban those candidate of their party who practice non-veg meals in their diet.

Menifesto of this party involves access to free health care facilities, availability of essential commodities through a revamped public supply system, education for all, equal opportunity for all irrespective of caste, creed and sex etc.

True Politics is spirtualize earth, by Spreading Meditation, non violence, vegetarianism. So it’s True Leadership to have Buddha as Guide for society through this party. This is time everyone needs change from within.