Awareness Tips: Facebook has become most suitable platform to promote fake news

During 2019 Lok Sabha elections facebook has become the most suitable social platform for running a fake agenda and propaganda of various political party. Many fake slogan like ‘Mandir Wahi Banaenge’ photo-shopped image with cabinet ministers, photo-shopped image of Gandhi family showing them dissolute and dictator is propagating through out Facebook in the form of Facebook ads.
Facebook ads for Fake agenda’s of Ram Mandir construction is being used to divert the mindset of masses. If we compare the above mentioned examples with reality. One can very easily derive the conclusion that this election has nothing to do with construction of ‘Ram Mandir’. But radical supporter of the various party are using Ram Mandir and disrespect of Gandhi family as a tool to divert the mind set of masses through ad campaign.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, when asked about the propagation and trolling of fake agenda on his social platform that has an engagement of 2 billion people across the web. Zuckerberg said, we the people at Facebook are working very hard upto our potential to improve the quality content on Facebook. Just like every time Facebook founder seemed to pretend attentive but when it comes to take actions it falters.
In a conference room across from the wall, this Monday, Samidh Chakrabarti, Facebook’s global Director of Product Management, Civic Engagement and India Vice President Ajit Mohan met with journalists to list all the many things Facebook was doing to ensure its vast, built-for-vitality, network was not used to subvert India’s pivotal and polarizing general election.