L K Advani wrote his first blog after 5 years and reminded BJP workers true value of party

BJP party veteran politician L K Advani wrote his first blog on his official website. He wrote his last blog 5 years ago titled ‘NATION FIRST, PARTY NEXT, SELF LAST’, which he said has been the guiding principle of his life. He has written his latest blog just a day before the Party foundation day i.e. 6th April.
He said that the proud hallmark of the BJP has been the defense of democracy and democratic traditions, both within the party and in the larger national setting.
He said that the the BJP has been committed to freedom of choice of every citizen at personal as well as political level. The BJP leader added that the party never regarded those who disagree with it politically as “enemies” or “anti-national”, but only as “adversaries”.
One of the priorities of the party, according to him, “is electoral reforms, with special focus on transparency in political and electoral funding”.