Tired Of All The Sarahah Posts Spamming Your Social Feed? We are here to rescue you!
In a week’s time, Sarahah became a fad.
It’s good to see that people have time to write anonymous messages to their friends, but this new form of self-validation is getting on my nerves. I don’t want to know how nice you are or how pretty you look! I have had too much already and it’s practically the kind of Facebook information we get to read on your profile picture.
But just like how some people want to see the world burn, there are some nice humans too, who become our saviour. Anshul Mittal, who graduated from NIT (Jaipur) last year, is the nice human behind making a Chrome plugin to hide this Sarahah nonsense!
His extension that goes by the name of Enough of Sarahah blocks all these Sarahah messages and posts from your feed, restoring it to exactly what it was like a week before.
Click here to get rid of it: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/enough-of-sarahah/olmlfeoimidcefmpgdlpogkjcegnbogh
Well, thank you, sir! We are indebted to you!