Let Your Dog Pamper Your Child, It Immune The Baby From Various Unwanted Diseases, Says Research
Many of the pet lovers and dog owners have worries that how will their pet will interact with their newly born babies. Germs, hygiene, safety and danger to newborn are some major concern. Babies are utmost priorities of a parent and at the same time, they also don’t want to leave their beloved pet.
So, there is some relieving news for such parents. According to a research having a dog during pregnancy and after the birth will be healthier for the baby.
A Data compiled by the University of Alberta has shown that the household with furry animals ( the majority of them are dogs) give rise to babies with a beneficial gut bacteria. Alberta University in their research studied 746 stool samples of children who were part of government health care program.
These bacteria help the babies who were always in contact with furry animals to be immune against “obesity and allergies of various kinds”.
It starts when the child is still in the womb during and three months after its birth. The microbes found in the fur of these animals leads to two friendly bacteria in the human body that are associated with lower risk of both asthma and obesity.
These kinds of theories have always been here. The children who play in dirt and mud always develop immunity against them. So it is suggested to let them play in it.
Researcher, paediatric epidemiologist Anna Kozyrskyj, said: “There’s definitely a critical window of time when gut immunity and microbes co-develop, and when disruptions to the process result in changes to gut immunity.”
The microbes may be passed from animal to human by stroking the fur or simply being in the same environment and can even affect an unborn baby during pregnancy.
Kozyrskyj added: “The abundance of these two bacteria were increased two-fold when there was a pet in the house.”
The effect of these bacteria will still be there even if the family have the dog during the pregnancy and gave it away before birth.
And for people who are allergic to dogs or don’t want them, for them it can also be a possibility that there might be a ‘dog in a pill’ in near future for children does have same immunity.
Kozyrskyj said: “It’s not far-fetched that the pharmaceutical industry will try to create a supplement of these microbiomes, much like was done with probiotics.”
– By – Parul Kulshrestha