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How! ‘Modern Love Mumbai’ That Warmed Our Hearts & Made Us Smile & change their Life.πŸ’–

Edited By: Aashish Vashistha.

Picture credit: Getty Images

18 May 2022,(New Delhi) : Nobody is same and everyone has their unique ways to enjoy every shades of life. Amazon Prime Video ‘s latest anthology Modern Love Mumbai acknowledge different shades of human beings and binds them together with a string of love.

The moments described in the movie will loom large in our memories and leaves a indelible print in our minds.

creats picture: Getty Images

So this plot starts with a girl Laalzari who finally recognises her worth and refuses to allow a man into her life as per his convenience and tired of being shackled her entire life, finally breaks free and learns to embrace life to the fullest.

Manzul’s mother realises that denying her child a chance to love was as same as breeding hatred. Citing food as a metaphor, Manzul’s baai explains to him the most essential ingredient in life. She reveals why offering money to the rioters and hate inciters was the best way to protect her family.

Another character in the webseries Ming understands that he can’t hurt his mother even though he didn’t like being overprotected by her. Ming’s girlfriend injects hope back into him when he had fall into darkness and nearly given up on his career.

In picture :Getty Images

Pappi Singh convinces Sui that she is loaded with enough love to give her son’s choice a chance.Dilbar reassures her heartbroken granddaughter that loving oneself is the only way to be happy. Kunal gives Dilbar a reminder of how she must let go of her past and live life as it comes. So if you have lived the love of ancient Bombay than here is a newly introduced modern love of Mumbai.

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