Cows Are More Protected In Your City Than Women? These Women Are Trying To Find The Answer In A Very Interesting Way!
We are living at a moment where protection laws are low and crimes against women are all time high and our Government is busy making new laws for cows protections, so we often wondered that if cows are safer than women in India.
Sujatro Ghosh, 23, decided to find the answer of this question and started a project where he got women to wear a cow mask in public places to prove the bovine community has it easier.
Sujatro Ghosh told Buzzfeed that “The incidents in Dadri and the other cow slaughtering incidents made me ponder about what could I do to stand up for it,”
One of the participants in his project, Reetwija Chakraborty didn’t really feel much safer in the mask. But she did enjoy engaging with the crowds.
“While sporting a cow mask in the middle of a crowded street or in front of some of the busiest tourist places meant that you attracted more attention than usual, being inside the cow mask was powerful,” she told the website.
Ghosh told that he consciously chose to use his art and social media to make his message clear since he didn’t consider physically fighting an option.
While there was initial resistance from people when they were approached, soon women from outside India reached out to him for help.
The message he wanted to make was loud and clear to him. “If we can protect cows then why not women?” he asked.