Amazon CEO Bezos Stuns World With Macho Looks; Twitter Goes Into Frenzy
Amazons stocks aren’t the only thing on the rise, as Jeff Bezos’ new macho body has become an internet sensation the world is going into a frenzy. This week’s Allen and company, Sun Valley conference at Idaho, was marked by the Amazon CEO striding in wearing a tight T-shirt and a half jacket, displaying his beefy arms to the world.
At 53, the Silicon Valley billionaire had internet users swooning over his swollen arms. His transformation from just another lanky CEO to what appears to be his own action movie star, along with the lines of Vin Diesel and The Rock, begged to be made into a meme. The internet quickly obliged. Photoshopped versions of his picture with muscular arms made its way into tweets, and the resulting edits are hilarious.
“Jeff Bezos went from ‘Would you like to buy a book?” to ‘Your Prime Clone has shipped. Arriving via drone in 20 minutes’”, posted Pat Rooney, a twitter user. “The best and the shades scream ‘action hero casually walking away from an explosion”, says Jesse Lansner, another Photoshop expert on Twitter.
Former and current Jeff Bezos is literally the 'you vs. the guy she told you not to worry about' meme.
— Yoni Mernick (@OriginalYoni) July 14, 2017
Here you go.
— Jesse Lansner (@Jesselansner) July 14, 2017
Jeff Bezos looks like he just stepped of the set of Fast and the Furious
— Albert Ruiz (@databreak) July 15, 2017
Getting better: Jeff Bezos 1998 vs 2017
— martino/pietropoli (@mpietropoli) July 14, 2017
good god, that's jeff bezos' music!
— Alazar 🇪🇹 (@zarzarbinkss) July 14, 2017
here is Swole Bezos with the background removed. just in case you need it.
— Menotti Minutillo 🐕 (@44) July 14, 2017
"I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career." #Bezos
— Lisa Santacruz (@Lisa_Santacruz) July 14, 2017
I'm excited for a super ripped JK Simmons to play Bezos in the inevitable movie
— Kyle Judah (@KyleJudah) July 14, 2017
i hope swole jeff bezos starts a trend of jacked tech ceos
— ಠ_ಠ (@MikeIsaac) July 14, 2017
Congratulations Jeff Bezos on your change in personal brand from “business ascetic” to “prefers killing with his bare hands"
— Joe Bernstein (@Bernstein) July 14, 2017
jeff bezos doesnt get enough credit for his performance in whiplash
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) July 14, 2017
<clears throat> ahem. Jeff Bezos is our new Chuck Norris 1/
— erin mccann (@mccanner) July 14, 2017
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