What Does ‘Agender’ Mean?
It’s an identity on the gender spectrum. Many of us have been taught the wrong information all our lives. In school, out in the world and even in our own homes, we’ve been conditioned to think that the definition of gender is limited to either male or female and that you were born either/or. But thanks to the work of LGTBQ people and allies, the world is finally understanding that this is not the case. Gender is infinite. It’s made up of a spectrum of identities that include more than just the terms ‘man’ or ‘woman.’
Agender is a term which can be literally translated as ‘without gender’. It can be seen either as a non-binary gender identity or as a statement of not having a gender identity. People who identify as Agender may describe themselves as one or more of the following: Genderless or lacking genitals.
The conversation might still feel new and it’s okay to not know everything, but it is your responsibility to do the work and research the information that you might still not be clear on. One term that may feel really unfamiliar to some people is ‘Agender.’ So, what exactly does ‘Agender’ mean? Let’s get into it. According to gender spectrum.org , Agender refers to a person who sees themselves as not having a gender. Agender can also refer to someone who’s gender-neutral, meaning they don’t see themselves as either a man or a woman, but as still have gender. To them, their gender might be unknown or undefinable.
Agender can also refer to someone who does not care about gender, does not want to label their internal and external identity or identifies as a person, rather than a gender above all things. Agender is not to be confused with the term ‘asexual,’ which actually refers to sexual orientation and means that a person has a lack of sexual feelings for other people. While a person who’s Agender might feel that their identity doesn’t fully fit into the problematic male/female binary, that doesn’t always mean that they want to change any part of their bodies.
Your gender is your gender. You define it, and it doesn’t define you. However you choose to present yourself and identify is totally up to you and no one else. Agender is an identity that’s recognised in the queer community, but the actual term “Agender” hasn’t existed for very long. Though the term was used for more than a decade before then.