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Strange Story Of Pakkirappa Hunagundi, The Man Who Eats Bricks And Mud Instead Of Foods!

You might have heard people getting addicted to liquor, cigarette and drugs but what if I say there is a man who is addicted to eating bricks and stones. I am not joking. Meet Pakkirappa Hunagundi, the man from Karnataka who eats building blocks, stones, mud, debris and what not.

Pakkirappa Hunagundi

The man from the southern state is taking the internet by storm. His story is all over the social networking sites. In an era where millions of contents are put up in different web platforms, this man has become an internet sensation for a bizarre reason.

Pakkirappa Hunagundi, a 30-year-old man from Karnataka, is consuming things like bricks, stone and mud for past 20 years.

Pakkirappa Hunagundi eating mud

It sounds peculiar, though as per reports and claims made by the man himself, he started eating debris from an early age of 10 and developed a habit of snacking from walls and streets over the years. He is now 30-years-old and gobbles up close to 3 kilos of trash every day.

Pakkirappa is suffering from a disease called ‘Pica’ that develops an appetite for inedible and non- nutritive stuff (Ice, hair, chalk, mud etc.) in Humans.

Pakkirappa Hunagundi

The man refuses to take roti, rice, chicken and any other regular meals even after his mother forced him to eat. I find no taste in them, he said. I will say no even to the divine nectar if you offer me, says the man from Karnataka. Strange isn’t it!

Pakkirappa Hunagundi Eating Mud

But to everyone’s surprise, he claims to be 100% physically fit even after 20 years of continues snacking and nibbling in the streets. ‘My teeth are also fine, I can bit into the hardest stone available without any problem, I feel so normal’ says Hunagundi.


· Pica is most commonly seen in a pregnant woman, small children and kids with autism.

· It can also be found in other animals and mostly in dogs.

· Pica is linked with other physical and mental disorders.

· But it is curable through advised dietary plan.

His eating habits are so weird and may start taking a toll on his health soon. The villagers find it very awkward and tried persuading him to give up on his eating habits on so many occasions but nothing could stop him from eating what he wants.

I don’t like to eat anything other than bricks, mud and stone. ‘I take my snacks with a glass of water’. Said Hunagundi when asked about how he prefers to be served his meals.

By: Abhishek Dey.

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