More than 6000 dead in Israel-Hamas war

It’s been more than 2 weeks since the war between Israel-hamas started. The death toll has reached 6000 mark. 1400 has been killed by hamas in israel and in retaliation Israel has killed 4600 in Gaza strip. Amid the war between Israel-Hamas, Iran supported group Hijbullah has also started attacking Israel. Taking the matter into consideration Israel PM Bemjamin Netanyahu issued a warning.
It’s been more than 2 weeks since the war between Israel-hamas started. The death toll has reached 6000 mark. 1400 has been killed by hamas in israel and in retaliation Israel has killed 4600 in Gaza strip. Amid the war between Israel-Hamas, Iran supported group Hijbullah has also started attacking Israel. Taking the matter into consideration Israel PM Bemjamin Netanyahu issued a warning.