Meet Babiya, The Vegetarian Crocodile Who Guards A Temple In Kerala!!
India is all about amazing stories! Apart from historical monuments which makes a place interesting, there are many other miraculous stories which make India a truly incredible country. Once such story is of Babiya, a crocodile who guards the famous Ananthapura Lake Temple in Kerala.
When we talk about crocodiles, we always think about their vicious killer instincts and their ability to gulp anything within seconds. But, there is a crocodile in Kerala who totally defies this characteristic of a crocodile. This is a crocodile who is a vegetarian and acts as a guard at the Ananthpura lake temple.
Babiya only eats the prasad prepared by the priests, which is made up of rice & jaggery. Babiya, unlike any other crocodile, does not harm anyone who visits the temple complex, even the fish in the lake! As per the priests, Babiya has been guarding the temple for 60 years.
It is also said that if you’re fortunate, only then you can spot Babiya swimming in the lake water! Indeed an intriguing temple, right?