Meditation legend Brahmarishi Pitaamaah Patri will launch his political party nationally

Meditation Legend Brahmarishi Pitaamaah Patri ji will soon launch his own political party named as Pyramid Party of India. With the launch of his party Patri is planning to contest 2019 Lok Sabha election nationally. Patri has a rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of meditation & wellness. Brahmarishi Pitaamaah has millions of fan following all over India.
After more than 4 inspiring decade of meditation teaching Brahmarishi Pitaamaah is planning to launch his political party “Pyramid Party of India” to national level. Socialite & industrialist Saurabh Bansal will the star campaigner of this party for north India. Today Pyramid Party of India will hold a Press Conference at Andhra Association, Lodhi road, next to Sai Baba Temple 5th floor, New Delhi.

The “ Pyramid Party of India ” is formed to transform all the People of India into meditators, enlightened persons, vegetarians and peace loving people during our current life-time itself through the methodology of the Electoral Process.
Pyramid Party of India History
The Pyramid Party of India, formed in the year 1999, participated in the General Elections for the first time in the State of Andhra Pradesh in more than 50 constituencies and polled several hundreds of votes per constituency. Again, in the year 2004 it was General Elections time .. and again it was time to participate in the elections and to spread the twin concepts of vegetarianism and meditation. This time it was nearly a hundred constituencies. And, thousands of votes were polled for the Pyramid Party per constituency.
Brahmarishi Pitaamaah Patri Ji history
Brahmarishi Pitaamaah Patri was born as Subhash patri in the year 1947 at Shakkar Nagar of Nizamabad dist. (Andhra Pradesh) .. to Patri Venkata Ramana Rao and Savitri Devi.
Subhash Patri became enlightened in the year 1979 .. after some serious experiments with meditation. Since then, Brahmarishi Pitaamaah began striving hard to awaken and enlighten each and every individual. In the year 1997, in the temple town of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, all the pyramid masters gathered and conferred the title of ‘Brahmarshi Pitaamaah’ on Subhash Patriji.
Brahmarishi Pitaamaah married Swarnamala Siriguri in the year 1974. He is the father of two daughters Parinitha and Parimala born in the years 1978 and 1982 respectively. Both his daughters are married to Srinivas Reddy & Mihir Sanghvi in the year 1999 and 2010 respectively. Brahmarishi Pitaamaah’s both son in laws Srinivas & Mihir are also invovled in spiritual teachings of meditation.