Jaipur Government school gets English question paper on PM Modi; Riddled with spelling mistake
It looks like the self-obsession of our politicians is not going to die anytime soon. In the latest of the addition in the list, a government school in Jaipur set a full passage question on PM Narendra Modi.
Student’s of class 10 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, were left puzzled after they read the very first question of their half-yearly English question paper. The question paper asked them to answer the question on PM Modi. The passage, which goes on to length and breadth after to sing praises in favour of the PM Modi. The question paper also asked the students when and where the PM Modi was born and the question like “How can you say that PM Modi is a poet?”
The question was riddled with spelling mistakes and the lack of basic English sense. For example, the repition of the word “India” in the opening sentence of the passage, which is against the basic norm of the English.
The question paper also houses the basic spelling mistakes like “crowd” and “savvy”. The spellings in the paper were spelt incorrectly as “crowd” and “sovy”. The basic rule of English is also flawed in the paper. See it for yourself.