Great news! An effective drug against Omicron has
been found by Britain : Read the full story to know
more about it
A british scientist has made a big claim regarding the Omicron variant that is causing panic all over the world.Thier drug Sotrovimab, has been shown effective against every mutation of Omicron. Now you may ask what is Sotrovimab? Sotrovimab is an antibiotic drug for growth which works by combining with spike protein dueto which does not allow any virus to enter human body.
The drug was developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in association with US partner with VIR biootechnology. The drug is now thought to effective on Omicron.In a statement a company claims that Sotrovimab has been shown effective against 37 mutations of Omicron. Also last week after clinical trials, it was reported thatSotrovimab works against Omicron.
At the same time company insists, that drug works effectively on every variant mentioned by WHO.Company also claims that Sotrovimab can decrease 75 percent of chances of getting hospitalized with its one dose as this drug is so much effective that it does not allow the virus to go inside human body.
When it was experimented on some people it showed that it is only effective for those people who need nooxygen implementation and they have danger of becoming serious covid patient. This drug is made byUK’s Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and theagency is claiming to make improvement in drugSotrovimab so that it can be given to people of every age group. Company will update about it’s drug by the end of end of year 2021.