CPWD oders its officials to replace Bulbs with LED lights in 1241 Government Buildings
A Government body Central Public Work Departement (CPWD) has directed its officials to install LED Bulbs in all government buildings. according to CPWD memorandum, LED Bulbs will be installed in 1241 government building. The memorandum stated that the government body CPWD has already started the installing of LED Bulbs. CPWD said that we have installed the LED Bulbs in 233 buildings and in 230 buildings work is in progress. CPWD stated that they will finish the installation of LED Bulbs in 1241 buildings by the end of this year.
CPWD is a government body. Which comes under union Housing and Urban Affair Ministry. It is the government largest construction agency and looks after the maintenance of government buildings and fencing of Country’s Internation Border.