Contraception pills for men for safe sex have come, know how to take them
Women prefer or took contraception, contraceptive pill, Emergency pill etc. So that they do not have to face difficulties like Abortion or miscarriage. Scientists have claimed to make such types of drug that would act like contraception for men. According to reports published in Delim, scientists from the University of Washington and the Los Angeles Biomedged Institute created this drug. This drug, called 11-beta-MNTDC, will reduce the hormone that acts as a sperm. However, this will not reduce the men’s sexuality and it is totally safe with no side effects.
There are two methods of contraception for men so far. Condom and sterilization Apart from this, women have the responsibility of all methods of contraception. According to Dorex, a condom manufacturer, India’s 95% of men do not like to use condoms during sex. Sterilization is the permanent way of contraception. According to government statistics, only 7 percent of men and 93 percent of women in India sterilized in 2017.
In such circumstances, this drug is seen as a hopeful ray for women. Which will give them freedom from many problems. But the scientists who make this drug themselves say that the world is not ready for the contraception pill of men. It will take at least 10 years. At present, this drug is being tested on men. And by 2022 it is expected to happen.
Men will have to take 200 or 400 mg doses of this medicine for 28 days. By reducing the sperm-hormone, it will take 60 to 90 days to reduce the sperm. Men’s testicles produce 1,500 sperm in 1 second. According to the scientists, this is the reason why it took so much time for men to develop a contraceptive pill.