After the Union Health Minister letter, Baba Ramdev apologies for his Controversial remarks on allopathy medicines.
Byline By- Vinayak Heliwal

After Union Minister Harsh Vardhan called Ramdev’s statement on allopathic medicine ‘extremely unfortunate ‘ and asked him to apologize publicly, the Yog guru on Sunday issued an apology on his official Twitter handle.
Replying to Harsh Vardhan, Ramdev has said that he is withdrawing his statement to put an end to the debate about the conflict between various methods of medicine.
In the letter, Ramdev wrote that he is not opposed to modern medical science and allopathy. They believe that allopathy has made a lot of progress in the life-saving system and the science of surgery and has served humanity.
Furthermore, Ramdev writes that the errors in any medical system should not be taken as an attack on that method and that he is not at all opposed to science.
Earlier in a letter addressed to Ramdev, The Health Minister Harshvardhan said that Ramdev’s statement not only showed disrespects towards the frontline workers who were making undying efforts to fight the infection but also had hurt the sentiments of common masses.
For the unversed, in a video circulated on social media Ramdev was heard saying that allopathy is a stupid science and medicine such as remdesivir, fabiflu, and other drugs approved by the Drugs Controller General of India have failed to treat Covid-19 patients.
The Indian Medical Association also had sent a legal notice to Ramdev on Saturday over his alleged statements of his allopathy. it also said that Union Ministry should take action against Ramdev for making ‘unlearned’ statements and for defaming scientific medicine.
Moreover, According to Swami Ramdev’s letter, some allopathic doctors should also not disrespect him by calling Indian medical science, Ayurveda, and Yoga as pseudoscience because it hurts the sentiments of crores of people.