To achieve 100 percent beggar free city, Hyderabad government to offer Rs 500 if you spot one
The Telangana Prisons Department has announced a reward of Rs 500 to anyone who can spot beggars in Hyderabad and inform the officials. This step has been taken to make the city beggar free.
VK Singh, DG, Telangana Prisons Department said that if anybody spots a beggar on the street and give information about him to the authorities then he would get a reward of Rs 500 on the next day itself.
The city has initiated ‘vidyadanam programme’ under which they would be providing education and employment to the beggars.
“We would also be getting six petrol pumps and six new ayurvedic villages constructed to employ the skilled beggars, and those who are not skilled would be given training in Anand Ashram,” he said
With the help of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and Police department, so, for 741 male beggars and 311 female beggars have been rescued from the roads. Out of which 476 male beggars and 241 female beggars have been released on the personal undertaking not to resort to begging again.
As of now 265 male beggars 70 female beggars and 2 children beggars are in the Anand Ashram.
He added, “Very soon we would provide the place, where a beggar can stay with their family. Our objective is to provide wholesome life to the beggars and ensure that nobody is left on the street in our state.”