News Leak Centre

No Fear No Favour

This Duo Play With Architecture From Around The World, And Their Pics Will Let You Awestuck

Daniel Rueda and Anna Devis, a creative duo from Valencia, Spain, travel the world toying with perspective, geometry, and a camera. They photograph the quirky side of architecture, and the pictures look like straight out of an aesthetic fairytale.

“It is not enough to just have an image that looks beautiful,” Daniel told More with Less. “It has to tell something without the need of putting it into words.”

Rueda and Devis also find the funniest ways to ‘interact’ with the architecture in their shots. They become characters in their own whimsical photographs, and this adds an additional amusing effect to the already rich and fascinating images.

“These places find me, or I am who has a hidden radar that is always on. Finding those buildings is not difficult if you know what you’re looking for.”









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🌹 ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué puedes hacer #porunmundomasbello? Pues entonces estás de suerte, porque… ¡Hoy es el #diadelaamapola! Y es que nos acabamos de enterar de que si publicas una imagen en cualquiera de tus redes sociales con estos dos hashtags @KenzoParfums donará 5€ a @CruzRojaEsp… Sé que en días tan importantes es difícil decidir qué ponerse… ¡Así que deja que te eche una mano, @anniset! – Have you ever thought what is it that you can do for a better world? Then today is your lucky day, because… It’s the day of the poppy flower! Which means that @Kenzo will donate 5€ for every picture you post on your social networks with the hashtags above… I know that in such important days like these it’s difficult to chose what to wear… So, do you need a hand with that, @anniset?

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#😀 Today, while @anniset and I were looking for the perfect spot to shoot a #WHPISeeFaces entry we discovered that @EsOlympus is giving away a trip to Barcelona in order to attend to the #PlaygroundOpening. You just need to play with perspective and tag them in your picture and you’ll be coming with us! If that doesn’t make you smile I don’t know what will! – Hoy, mientras @anniset y yo andábamos en busca del sitio perfecto para participar en el #WHPISeeFaces nos hemos enterado de que #EsOlympus ha organizado un concurso para ir a la inauguración del #PerspectivePlayground! Tan sólo tienes que jugar con la perspectiva, mencionarles y etiquetar con #PlaygroundOpening tu foto para venirte con nosotros, así de fácil. ¡Se nos ha puesto una sonrisa de ventana a ventana!

A post shared by Daniel Rueda + Anna Devís (@drcuerda) on





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#🕖 For this Weekend's Hashtag Project #WHPInTheStudio we wanted to prove you that for us the street is our favorite workplace. Sometimes we feel like the whole World is our own canvas…! But it's Sunday and it's pretty dark outside. Is it too late already, or do you think we can still make it "on time"? Con motivo del reto semanal de Instagram #WHPinTheStudio queríamos demostraros que la calle es nuestro verdadero lugar de trabajo. ¡A veces incluso sentimos que el mundo entero es tan solo un lienzo en blanco esperando a que hagamos algo con él…! Pero es domingo y se está haciendo de noche. ¿Es demasiado tarde para intentarlo o creéis que todavía estamos "a tiempo"?

A post shared by Daniel Rueda + Anna Devís (@drcuerda) on







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