From WWE to Bollywood: John Cena Shares How Shah Rukh Khan’s Advice Changed His Life Forever!”
While in India for the lavish wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, WWE superstar and actor John Cena had an emotional encounter with Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan. Cena, who is gearing up for his film Jackpot, shared in a recent interview with ANI that meeting SRK was a life-changing moment.
In a heartfelt revelation, Cena explained that SRK’s TED Talk came to him at a pivotal time in his life. “His words were beyond inspirational,” Cena said. “They helped orchestrate a change in my life. Since then, I’ve been able to recognize all the jackpots I’ve been given and work hard to ensure I don’t waste them.”
Meeting SRK in person was a dream come true for Cena, who described the encounter as “fantastic” and “wonderful.” He expressed being both “awestruck” and “starstruck” by SRK’s empathetic, kind, and sharing nature. “It was such an emotional moment to shake hands with someone who has affected my life so drastically,” Cena shared.
This isn’t the first time Cena has expressed his admiration for SRK. After attending the Ambani wedding, Cena posted on X (formerly Twitter), “A surreal 24 hours… meeting @iamsrk and being able to tell him personally the positive effect he has had on my life.”
Cena’s admiration for SRK even extends to music. In a viral video, Cena was seen singing “Bholi Si Surat” from SRK’s film Dil Toh Pagal Hai. The video caught SRK’s attention, who responded with a playful message, thanking Cena and promising to send him more songs for a duet.
John Cena’s story is a testament to the global impact of Shah Rukh Khan’s inspirational words, proving that even the biggest stars can be profoundly influenced by others.
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Author:- Apoorva Arora