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15 food names you need to stop mispronouncing!

Have you ever got in a situation where you get embarrassed by mispronouncing food names wrong? Don’t worry we’re here to help you out from awkward food-name-pronunciation problems.

1. Ferrero Rocher.

What we say: Ferrero-ro-shar.

The correct way to pronounce it: Furrero-ro-shar.

2. Fondant.

What we say: Fon-daa-aant.

The correct way to pronounce it: Phone-dent.

3. Croissant.

What we say: Croi-saant.

The correct way to pronounce it: Krwa-san

4. Chipotle.

What we say: Cheet-pot-ley.

The correct way to pronounce it: Chi-poht-ley.

5. Espresso.

What we say: X-pres-oh.

The correct way to pronounce it: Ess-press-oh.

6. Buffet.

What we say: Bah-fey.

The correct way to pronounce it: Boo-fey.

7. Jalapeno.

What we say: Ja-la-penos.

The correct way to pronounce it: Hala-pey-nyos.

8. Almond.

What we say: Aal-mond

The correct way to pronounce it: Ah-mond.

9. Jojoba.

What we say: Jo-jo-baa

The correct way to pronounce it: Ho-ho-ba

10. Pizza.

What we say: Pee-jaa

The correct way to pronounce it: Peet-zuh

11. Dessert.

What we say: Dez-ert.

The correct way to pronounce it: Deez-urt.

12. Onion.

What we say: Oo-ni-yon.

The correct way to pronounce it: A-ni-yon.

13. Caramel.

What we say: Kay-re-mel.

The correct way to pronounce it: Car-a-mal

14. Fajitas.

What we say: Fa-ji-taa.

The correct way to pronounce it: Fa-hee-taaz.

15. Raspberry.

What we say: Rasp-berry.

The correct way to pronounce it: Raz-ber-ee.

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